CODE : ZG1BS25X42U01

Behjat sadr
He graduated from Tehran University Faculty of Fine Arts in 1333 Behjat Sadr Mahalati (1303, Arak – 1387, France) Mahalati is one of the important and influential painters of Iran. In 1314, he received an art scholarship from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, and in 1333, he received an art thesis from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Tehran University with the first rank in the field of painting. The main method of Behjat Sadr’s works of sprinkling paint on the surface and then collecting it with a spatula tells about the perceptions he experienced of facing the outside world and looking at everything as one face. In 1334, he received a French scholarship. In 1335, this painter won the Simin Hamtarazi prize of the city of San Vito, and one of his works was accepted in the Venice Biennale along with several young Iranian painters. His works have been presented alongside prominent artists such as Joseph Beavis, Payam, Mohovi Nadi. In the 70s and 80s, Sadr held many exhibitions inside and outside of Iran, and the works of this artist are kept in Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and foreign museums. This pioneer artist of Iran’s modern art died in August 2006 in the south of France.