CODE : ZG1BB50X65U02

Bahman Boroujeni

Born in 1321

Borujen He has a master’s degree from Tehran University of Arts and a doctorate in Islamic arts from Sorbonne University in France.

Bahman Borojni is a painter and university lecturer. He immigrated to Paris in 1370. Borojini’s paintings are often abstract and figurative, and bold colors and fast brush movements are considered to be the characteristics of his works.

Winner of the first prize of the Tehran Biennale in 1343 and the sale of works at important auctions in the world, including Christie’s, are among the honors of this artist. His works are kept in private collections, Tehran and Kerman Museum of Contemporary Arts.

Participating in more than 110 solo and international group exhibitions is one of the other activities of this artist.

Currently, he is busy teaching in France with the highest artistic degree he has obtained (Bahman Borujani is the sixth person in the world who has succeeded in obtaining this degree)
