Born in 1930, Tehran, Iran

Diploma in acting in 1950

Graduated from the Department of Directing and Theater Basics at the Faculty of Literature Graduated from the painting course at the Faculty of Fine Arts in 1960

He was an Iranian painter, sculptor, poet and playwright. He founded "New Art Gallery", which was the first gallery in Iran and one of the important cultural centers of its time. Today, he is more famous for his creative figures and metal sculptures that he made by assembling metal parts of industrial machines and cars. His style is close to Saqqahani art, and lion-women and suns are themes that are often repeated in his works. For this reason, he, along with several other contemporary Iranian painters, is remembered as the pioneers of the Saqaqhana school in Iran, which was formed in the early 1940s and is perhaps the first coherent Iranian school of painting.

Zhaze's paintings and sculptures are in museums and private collections. Also, his works have been exhibited in different countries and won 10 international awards. He died on 20 February 2006 at the age of 77.

The works of this artist

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