Mahsa Zarin

Zarin Art Gallery was founded five years ago by Mahsa Zarin, a talented painter and architect with a passion for art. Mahsa’s vision was to create a safe haven where art lovers could immerse themselves in the world of art. As an art graduate and collector of art masters, she knew there was a need for a platform that celebrated the essence of creativity and artistic expression.

Mahsa’s journey into the world of art began when she was a little girl. Her parents were very artistic and encouraged her to explore her artistic talent. She spent most of her childhood drawing and painting and knew from an early age that she wanted to work in the field of visual arts.

After graduating from university with a degree in Art, Mahsa decided to pursue her passion for painting. She spent several years honing her skills and developing her unique style. She also started collecting the works of some of Iran’s greatest contemporary artists.

It was during this period that Mahsa realized there was a need for a new platform to showcase famous works. She wanted to create a safe haven where artists could display their works and where art lovers could easily find these works and immerse themselves in the world of art.

In 2016, Mahsa opened Zarin Art Gallery in North Tehran. The gallery quickly became a popular destination for art lovers, collectors, and artists. The gallery showcases the works of emerging and established artists and has quickly gained a reputation for displaying some of the most innovative and exciting works in the art world.

Over the years, Zarin Art Gallery has continued to grow and evolve. Today, it is one of the most prestigious galleries in the city and continues to attract visitors from all over the world. Zarin Gallery has expanded its activities to include galleries, workshops, and other events that celebrate the world of art.


Mahsa’s vision for Zarin Art Gallery is simple: to create a safe haven where art lovers can immerse themselves in the world of art and where investors and collectors can quickly and easily acquire the works they desire. With this, the Zarin Gallery brand hopes not only to preserve the essence of art and celebrate its beauty but also to establish an efficient connection between art and business.

Welcome to Zarin Painting Gallery, a premier destination for art lovers and collectors seeking the most exquisite and authentic pieces of Iranian painting. Our gallery is home to a remarkable collection of paintings created by some of the most renowned Iranian painting masters, whose works have captivated the world with their beauty, depth, and innovation.

ما درک می کنیم که به دست آوردن هنر فقط یک خرید نیست. این سرمایه گذاری بر روی احساسات، زیبایی شناسی و میراث فرهنگی است. به این ترتیب، ما متعهد به ارائه مشاوره شخصی و پشتیبانی تزلزل ناپذیر به همه مشتریان خود هستیم. تیم کارشناسان باتجربه مابسیار خوشحال هستند که شما را در فرآیند خرید آثار هنری راهنمایی کنند، و اطمینان حاصل کنند که هر خرید یک افزودنی کاملاًآگاهانه و ارزشمند به مجموعه شما است.
گالری هنری زرين قصد دارد منبع الهام باشد و جامعه ای را تقویت کند که در آن هنرمندان، علاقه مندان به هنر و مجموعه داران میتوانند گرد هم آیند تا بهترین خلاقیت ها را از قلمروهای هنری مختلف کشف، تحسين و بحث کنند. اعتقاد ما بر این است که هنر از مرزها فراتر می رود و ما تلاش می کنیم محیطی ایجاد کنیم که تنوع و خلاقیت را در تمام اشکال آن در بر گیرد.
با سپاس از همراهي ما از شما دعوت می کنیم تا در گالری زرين، دنیای جذاب هنر را کشف کنید، جایی که هر ضربه، هر رنگ وهر فرم ، داستانی منحصر به فرد از بیان انسان را روایت می کند.
جادوی هنر را با ما تجربه کنید.
مهسا زرین و تیم گالری زرين